The end of the year is fast approaching and we could already feel the cool air surrounding us, the longest Christmas season in the world has begun about a month ago and i bet you could already hear the Christmas songs being played on the radio, how about the Christmas decorations that your LGUs are putting on display ALMOST everywhere?
I intended to start this blog by talking about the early Christmas atmosphere that we feel even months before the actual Christmas month, December. It's so ironic to think that December means two totally different things, it's both a beginning and an end. A beginning because Christ was born, also it's that time of the year when new lives are transformed, enemies became friends, friends become lovers (*coughs*), electric bills shoot up compared to other months of the year, or it;s just that everything turns to positive for the sake of Christmas, everyone seems to be as nice as they could ever be. On the other hand, December is an end as well, an end of a fruitful year (at least for me).

Talking about beginnings and conclusions, I've was invited to attend a wedding of one of our dearest friends and former office mate, Jayme and her husband, Mao and needless to say a very pleasant wedding with a twist of rock and alcoholic drinks which basically reflects the personality and interests of the couple. Just like December, a wedding is as well both a beginning and and end, a beginning in the sense that its a union of two hearts, a beginning of a new chapter for two single individuals who were joined together by God, a beginning of a journey of a lifetime. It's also an end for being single, an end for the what we say kalokohans of youth. New responsibilities, new commitments, and definitely new priorities.