Mixed Clans: Yamzons in Yellow, Arabits in Red, Bautistas in Blue, and Olmedos in Green
"Our theme calls us to be aware and acknowledge, accept and appreciate our
origins and attend to the field of love we live in. So today is a collective
honoring of who we are, where we come from, and what we can still make of
To embrace our roots is a gesture of love to humbly claim
our human heritage, the incredible intertwining of mutual streams of ancestry,
memory, shadow, and light. Also and more so, we claim our divine heritage as
children of God, the Source, core and primal root of our being...We embrace all
the blessings flowing and running over through time, from our great-great
grandparents to the youngest grandchild of at least eight generations."
This was taken from a quote during the eucharistic celebration in our reunion courtesy of
tita angel's blog
Last January 27, 2007 we had a reunion at the Riverbend Hotel in Marikina one momentous event which brought together the yamzons (where i belong), the bautistas, the arabits, and the olmedos. The reunion is just a prequel for a bigger reunion next year, which would include everyone including those who are abroad.
Color Coding: Yellow=Yamzons, Blue=Bautistas, Red=Arabits, Green=Olmedos
The event was an eye opener for me, it made realize a lot of things about my past. Our family tree was presented during the reunion. A lot of discoveries like, each clan has it's own nun for example: the bautistas have sister florence from the religious of the good sheperd, the olmedos have sister mari from the cenacle sisters, the olmedos have a theresian sister, while the yamzons have the late Rev. Mother Josefina Yamzon, Religious of the Virgin Mary. who served as the mother superior of the order for some years. Not only this, A lot were also musicians, like our lola alice, a pianist, one of the bautistas was and still a violinist at the white house, another one is a pianist, and one was even given a young artist's award.
Many of our relatives also made it big in the academe, either as a dean or a full professor in their respective universities. A handfull were also succesful in their respective fields in business. All in all the reunion was very succesful with all the games, trivias etc. Congratulations to the organizers of the event. Hoping that there will be a bigger and a more succesful reunion! see you next year!
At the ballroom of the Riverbend Hotel with the theme: Embracing the roots of our being
Everyone was trying to greet each one, but we are way too many..
For some more pictures of the event visit my multiply site